Get portal row filemaker software

All persons, companies, email addresses, a nd urls listed in the examples are purely fictitious and any resemblance to existing persons. Other developers that i totally respect and admire love invisible buttons on layouts. With the cursor blinking at me in the correct row, on implementing duplicate record from the menu to test the action, all records disappear from view in the portal and all other. I have portal display see the attachment that shows the work hour records for 2014 for one person, and at the bottom of the portal, i want to display the total of only the visible rows. Related records from another table can be displayed using a filemaker pro layout object called a portal. Filemaker portal show distinct value tutorial the scarpetta.

Fortunately, there is a solution to draw the users focus to the row they are one. I want a script that takes me to a portal row and then duplicates the portal row. I was recently asked to sort portal columns for a client, and i figured there has to be a newer and cooler technique out there to accomplish portal sort than when i did it last. Duplicating a portal rowrecord in filemaker solutions. I tried get portalrownumber but that returns only curr. Filemaker portal in a portal, 4d printing filemakerprogurus. Aggregates summary fields in filtered portals filemakerhacks. Try printing from the related file rather than the master file by using a subsummary layout so you do not need to use a portal.

Filemaker portal row click handler coresolutions software inc. For example, the 2014 records total 18 hours, but there is. But usually you wont want it displayed on every portal row usually i just want it once, at the top of the portal. You can read about how this new object works in filemaker. Here is a quick and easily modifiable script to populate a filemaker portal from a value list. May 15, 2018 an additional new behavior we get with this portal configuration is that simply clicking on a portal row will make that the current record, with no button setup or scripting required. In previous versions of filemaker pro, creating a masterdetail layout was cumbersome for novice and experienced filemaker users and typically required creating a selfjoin and using other advanced development techniques. If a user navigates to a portal without selecting a specific portal row and without making an object active within a specific portal row, get.

I just figured this out and thought it was cool enough to share with you. In this example, using one of filemaker s builtin templates for projects, i imagined a scenario where a project had a standard set of steps that needed to be generated whenever a new project was begun. Kudos to brian ouimette of for creating a solution to a problem that has flummoxed filemaker and filemaker developers for years. Originally, this example used the go to portal row by field. If a user navigates to a portal without selecting a specific portal row and without making an object active within a specific portal row, get activeportalrownumber returns row 0 rather than row 1.

The proper approach is to place an invisible rectangle under the objects inside the row border and make this a button with go to related record single step. Dynamically add a new portal row to any filemaker portal using script parameters. Revealing the current state of your interface is of great benefit to users of your solutions. You also need to make sure to keep your fields within that first row because if they bleed over into another row or outside of the portal, theyre no longer considered part of the portal and that can mess up your layout.

Get currentdate commit records go to portal row first go to field expensememo creating a new expense record sets the newemptyrow calc to 0. A portal displays the data from related records in rows with one row in a portal representing one related record in the related table. After you use a delete portal row script step in filemaker webdirect, click anywhere on the layout or use a commit recordsrequests script step to commit the deletion. The entire question is how do i get a count of all the rows in a portal. We encourage you to visit their sites and to inquire about their services. Creating, duplicating, and deleting related records in a portal in file maker creating, duplicating, and deleting related records in a portal in file maker courses with reference manuals and examples pdf.

For example, on our invoices details layout, yousee that we have a portal on screen here. From dwayne wright pmp certified filemaker developer web. Creating portals to display related records filemaker. However, if an entry in a portal row is one line but the row can handle two lines, the portal does not slide through the unused space. Going to a portal row by the contents of a field can be scripted. I can go to a portal row, but dont seem to see how to select a field. Due to a bug in filemaker pro 16, the current record is deleted instead.

When we envision data management solutions, we tend to think of perfectuse scenarios, where no one ever creates a duplicate record, no one accidentally hits the new record button, no project is ever canceled, and certainly no errant script accidentally miscopies data. If the button with the script attached is in the portal row. Is there a way to eliminate blank rows from a portal in a filemaker report. A portal in filemaker pro advanced is a layout object in one table where you place one or more related fields to display in rows the data from one or more related records. Adding fields and other objects to a filemaker portal. Sep 23, 2015 hide portal row buttons in filemaker don clark. You can also search help for information about scripting. So, we get a simplified relationship graph, sorting, filteringsearching, and navigation, all for free. This allows you to cover the entire portal row but might have some implications if you use the new auto resize feature in filemaker 9. Get field contents from clicked portal row filemaker pro. One other thing to look at is to make sure that the portal button is totally inside the portal row if it touches the edge or overlaps, the button will not work properly. The navigation part of the script which takes me to the selected row works fine. Using filemaker hide object feature to hide portal row. Sometimes filemaker s builtin indicator for what row you are on in a list can be a little lacking.

Objects that can have the focus are fields, portals, tab panels, and groups. The current found set portal is a portal that displays a list of the records in the current found set. I reached out to the other filemaker developers at soliant, and i got a great sample file from ross johnson. The vatsales tax rate for electronic software downloads and other filemaker products classified as services under local law will be at the. You may use this documentation solely with a valid licensed copy of filemaker software. Filtering portal rows returned by find requests 40 prevalidating commands, records, and fields 41. A portal can be configured to display one or more fields from the related table. It does not use recursion faster and requires only one function parameter. When it comes to supporting unique rows within multiple portals on the same layout, you need to find a way to track each portal independently and know which record is selected within each portal. Conditional formatting is a great feature of the new filemaker.

I want it to display the portal row number when there is data in the row like 1 data1 2 data2 and if the rest of the rows are empty it would not show. While looking at the new layout where the portal is located, you should see some values already populated. Its pretty commonplace to put a button over a filemaker pro portal row object to. Hidenseek a button in a filemaker pro portal row excelisys. It requires a few additional steps, but if you read through the stuff below.

Records from another table are displayed using a filemaker pro layout object called a portal. Select specifies whether to select the entire portal row. In filemaker, you now have the ability to not onlyapply formatting to a portal, but also the individual portal rows. Getnthrecord related field of a related row in a portal solutions experts exchange. To add a new record to the portal, simply click in the first empty portal row in one of the field columns. Get field contents from clicked portal row sign in to follow this. Hide portal row buttons archives filemakerprogurus. A common design practice in filemaker apps is one of masterdetail where a list is displayed and clicking on one of the items in the list provides additional details on. Try printing from the related file rather than the master file by using a subsummary layout so. Jarvis crm is the best alternate to expensive subscription services and is customizable. Portals display data from related fields in rows, one record in each row. Like new portal row records, the duplicated related record will remain attached to the current record until you change the primary. With the addition of the current found set portal, filemaker has added the ability to easily create one of the most common trends in modern applications the master detail.

Our team of consultants and developers do this by developing customfit software tools and reporting dashboards. Filemaker places a blank row as the last row for creation of records. Enhance your filemaker portal columns filemaker pro tips. Populating a portal from a value list homebase software. Sep, 2012 the question on one or more of the filemaker forums was asked and answered. Find value just in 2nd row of portal filemaker community. You can also use the row number field to relocate the last portal row visited, using a scripted button. The detail area is a set of fields that show more information about the selected row in the portal. Aug 24, 2011 the problem with this is that, in order to show the number of records in the portal, it has to be shown in the portal, and therefore on every portal row. Dec 15, 2010 making creation of records in a portal more user friendly.

Using this method you will go to the first record in the portal regardless of what row you click on. By calculation moves to the row number that is the result of the calculation you create. Also returns 1 for a portal when a portal row is selected. Portal row number worldwide filemaker community forums. May 30, 2017 learn how to adaptively delete a row in any filemaker 16 portal using a single script. With this feature, you can create a new type of portal this is a bit different than the regular portals we are all used to using. Filemaker 17 has a great new feature for creating masterdetail layouts. If a user navigates to a portal without selecting a specific portal row and without making an object active within a specific portal row, getactiveportalrownumber returns row 0 rather than row 1.

Get field contents from clicked portal row filemaker pro 11. Exit after last tells filemaker pro to exit the loop or the enclosing script. I figure if i could get the record to show what portal row number it was sitting it, i could grab that number. An additional new behavior we get with this portal configuration is that simply clicking on a portal row will make that the current record, with no button setup or scripting required. When it comes to supporting unique rows within multiple portals on the same layout, you need to find a way to track each portal independently and know which. This is a very basic filemaker technique but is a very popular how do i. How to copy data to one field from multiple portal records.

Using the getlayoutobjectattribute function filemaker. In the help window, choose designing and creating databases, then choose creating scripts to automate tasks. Creating, duplicating, and deleting related records in a. During conversion to filemaker 9, this was automatically updated to go to row by calculation. Once the portal is visible on the layout, you can switch to browse mode view browse mode. Is there a way i can search for values just in 1 row of the portal. In this tutorial, i show how to do this using a selfrelationship combined with a portal filter using the getnthrecord field name. I was inspired by fabrice nordmanns function visibleportalrows. In filemaker pro, choose help menu filemaker pro help. A portal is a layout object that displays records from related tables. Go to portal row row number bridget eley i would like to do something i thought would be easy given the amazing things you can do with fmp 5. When you click a button in a portal that was created with the classic theme which was deprecated in filemaker pro and the portal setup dialog box use active row state option is unselected, the portal row is selected until you click an area outside the row. On this site we promote, share and showcase material from some of the brightest minds in filemaker.

To view all help topics about individual script steps. Navigate portal rows via buttons filemaker claris connect. New portal row filemaker claris connect salesforce. There must be an easy way to just show a count of portal rows without having fm summarizing each record. Applying active state formatting to portal rows and list views. Preventing careless delete actions in filemaker understanding the larger issues surrounding the delete button. The date is set, the record is committed, and the new portal row pops to the top because of the empty memo field. By daniel wood, 15 december 2010 filemaker provides us with the ability to create related records directly from a portal. For more details on when to use portals, see deciding where to place related fields.

Its pretty commonplace to put a button over a filemaker pro portal row object to trigger an event related to that particular row. This example is to show you one method of moving the information from repeating fields to a linked child file with each previous repetition appears in a separate portal row. Use a portal only when you want to display data from more than one related record. A portal can be configured to display as many records as you want and can be filtered and sorted as your needs require. Getnthrecord related field of a related row in a portal from the expert community at experts exchange filemaker. I have a layout that lists products from another table for each order. Best way to sum only the visible rows of a filtered portal. Using filemaker hide object feature to hide portal row buttons. Features such as highlighting selected portal rows provide an instant indication of what is selected or where the user is. Ready to play hide and seek with a button in a filemaker pro portal row. Ive been working with filemaker software for about a decade now and. See filemaker odbc and jdbc guide for extensive information on how you can use filemaker software as a data source for odbc and jdbc applications. All persons, companies, email addr esses, and urls listed in the. Example 1 asks if the user wants to delete the portal row if a product is discontinued.

Simplify all of your business software solutions with one program crm the best business management systems frequently updated. If you set a portal to slide up, it allows you to slide through unused portal rows. You can define a button go to these portal rows directly via the button choices. Making creation of records in a portal more user friendly. I will update this example at some time using variables. Apr 28, 2014 next, you can add any other object that you want to show in each portal row including buttons, text or even graphics.

September 23, 2015 i dont like the fact that when a button is put in a portal, its visible on every single row. For example, a common technique to delete a portal row of information is to put a small trash icon in the portal row. In combination with a calculation field, it can be used to highlight the row of a list. You can also use getactiveportalrownumber with the script trigger either method. So how can we get the record creation row to appear at the top of the portal. In this article, ill explain what masterdetail is, how to create read more about filemaker 17 portals for masterdetail layouts. The filemaker odbc and jdbc client drivers support all of the sql statements described in this reference. It requires a few additional steps, but if you read through the stuff below, you should be able to discern what is going on. This is a great and easy way to generate records without the need to script the process, and for that reason it is a popular technique among both new users and. Brian combined the power of json a filemaker 16 addition with executesql and one of the least used but very powerful features of. Go to related record from a portal closed ask question asked 10 years. How do i get the value of a specified field in a specified portal row in filemaker 12.

Learn how to adaptively delete a row in any filemaker 16 portal using a single script. Exit after last tells filemaker pro to exit the script when it reaches the last portal row. When a user clicked it, it performed its necessary button actionscript and life was good. Working with portals displaying related data filemaker. This new demo employs a similar technique, except instead of using the get recordid, instead, the script gets the actual id from a field. An alternative method for deleting portal rows is to use delete portal row script step. Like most filemaker developers i know, when i wanted to handle a row click event, i was creating a transparent button that hid in the background of the portal, taking up the entirety of the portal row. The vatsales tax rate for electronic software downloads and other filemaker. Filemaker portal show distinct value tutorial in filemaker, showing distinct values in a portal can be accomplished in various ways. How do you get the count of the related records in a filtered portal. Filemaker 17 portals for masterdetail layouts luminfire. When no portal row contains the focus, this function returns 0. Maybe your first attempt could involve some global fields for entering data above the portal, which could then trigger a script to create a related record, set the data, and clear the global.

This button is linked to the delete portal row script step or goes to the related file, deletes the record and. About half only have one resident, the other half has from 2 to 8 residents. Personally, i dont like invisible buttons on a layout. My cf returns only the row number count, not the visible values from the portal. A portal displays the data of related records in rows with one row in a portal representing one related record in the related table.

The problem with this is that, in order to show the number of records in the portal, it has to be shown in the portal, and therefore on every portal row. In filemaker, showing distinct values in a portal can be accomplished in various ways. Theres been great work done already by beezwax and soliant consulting and others. Jarvis crm filemaker starter solution filemaker crm. Rightclick on the portal row and click button setup choose go to related record under specify, select the table which contains the related record you want to go to. If you need more space, you can just grab one of the handles and make the portal larger, but we seem to have the right size here. This can have some interesting, yet subtle, effects on your user interface. As is often the case in filemaker pro, there is more than one way to do it. I wont go into much detail about how the masterdetail feature is set up and used. How to show the number of portal rows a filemaker miscellany. Jul 24, 2010 added demo of portal row highlighting as well. If there are multiple windows open in the current database file, each window can have its own portal row number value, but results are returned for only the foreground window. This is a pre filemaker 7 way to handling this action but it still works just fine. Ive got a long walklist of addresses and a related file with all the voters registered at that address.

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